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About Us

Corporate Governance.

Doing the right things and doing things right.

Performance snapshot.

Our latest performance updates can be seen in our Corporate and Annual reports below.

Corporate Governance Framework.

The core purpose of Beyond Bank Australia is to change the lives of our customers and communities through financial wellbeing. Our strategy is founded on being a sustainable, diversified and differentiated business, delivering value-based outcomes to our customer owners and strengthening the communities in which we operate. 

Sound direction and solid control underpins this pathway. It requires the Board and management to be attuned to the risks in the business and the needs of all stakeholders (customers, staff, communities, partners and regulators).

Good governance is critical to fostering a thriving business managed for the long-term interests of our customers and communities around Australia. It is the Board’s responsibility to provide the right level of oversight on the strategic direction and operational performance of Beyond Bank. It must ensure checks and balances are in place, risks are effectively managed to protect our customers’ money and decisions are financially sound to support our growth and development.

At the root of good governance is Board and management leadership to develop and sustain a sound culture focused on doing the right things, the right way and exceeding stakeholder expectations.

For more on our Corporate Governance Framework, see our Corporate Report.

Our Constitution.
Our constitution lists the rights, roles and responsibilities of Beyond Bank, and the rules which govern various internal activities such as board meetings.
Fit and Proper Policy.
Amongst other things, our fit and proper policy outlines the requirements that a Responsible Person must adhere to.
Beyond Bank Board Charter.
The Board is accountable to the members for the performance of the Beyond Bank's businesses and for ensuring enduring value is created. In performing its role, the Board aspires to excellence in governance standards. The Board Charter outlines key factors such as the structure and responsibilities of the board.
Key documents and policies which form part of our corporate governance framework and highlight the Group's significant commitment to corporate governance.
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