For and with you

Bank Guarantee.

Use a Bank Guarantee to give a supplier, landlord, vendor or other third-party peace of mind that payment will be made.  

What is a Bank Guarantee?

A Bank Guarantee is a form of ‘security’ and an alternative to providing a deposit or bond directly to a third party (known as a beneficiary).  

A Bank Guarantee is a common business tool that gives your suppliers, vendors, or landlord certainty that they will be paid without tying up critical working capital. Your business also benefits from the interest earned on the cash security, which is paid to you monthly.  

Portrait of worker smiling by colleague sitting in car. Male professionals are in reflective clothing. They are at construction site.

Bank Guarantees are commonly used for:  

  • lease or rental bond: a bond for a commerical lease like a shopfront, worksite, or office space 
  • contract performance guarantee: a bond to a supplier to assure the delivery of goods or services. 


Interest paid monthly
Your cash security generates interest, paid monthly into your Business Banking Transaction Account.
Flexible terms
Choose an amount and expiry date that suits your business needs.^^
Government guarantee on deposits up to $250k^.

How it works.

  • You provide Beyond Bank with a cash security. Want to use property for security instead? Reach out to your Business Banker for more information
  • Your cash security  will sit in a Bank Guarantee Facility Account, with the interest earned paid monthly to your Business Banking Transaction Account 
  • You provide your beneficiary with the Bank Guarantee instead of a traditional deposit or bond 
  • If you cannot make a payment to the beneficiary, Beyond Bank will meet the commitment up to the amount of the bank guarantee. To do this, the beneficiary needs to send the original Bank Guarantee along with a letter asking Beyond Bank to make the payment
  • Once you have repaid any debts and the beneficiary has returned the Bank Guarantee to Beyond Bank along with a letter confirming payment, your security will be released. 

Eligibility criteria. 

You and the beneficiary must be a tax resident of Australia and one of the following:   

  • a business 
  • a government entity  
  • a not-for-profit organisation. 

The Bank Guarantee must be: 

  • used for business purposes. 

How to apply.

  1. Before you get started, make sure to have the following details handy: 
    • beneficiary’s legal name, ABN, or ACN 
    • beneficiary’s Australian address (no PO boxes) 
    • bank Guarantee purpose  
    • amount  
    • expiry date. 
  2. Contact our Business Banking team by completing the online enquiry form or speaking with your local Business Banker. 
Smiling female cafe owner holding flower vase in coffee shop

What happens once my Bank Guarantee has been approved?

  • Allow up to 10 business days for approval of your application, depending on the nature of security provided. Guarantees with a cash security are generally quicker than those secured by mortgage  
  • Once your application has been approved and we have received your chosen security (cash or property) for the Bank Guarantee, your Business Banker will contact you to issue the guarantee document. 

Interest rates.

Bank Guarantee Facility AccountInterest Rate (%p.a.)*
All amounts3.45% p.a.

Fees and charges.

Fees that apply - Beyond Bank Direct

Establishment fee


Ongoing fee

1.40% p.a. (charged every 6 months)


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