For and with you

Financial wellbeing.

Explore the ways you can improve your financial wellbeing. 

What is financial wellbeing?

Financial wellbeing is having a sense of security and feeling as though you have enough money to meet your needs.

It's about being in control of your finances and having the financial freedom to make choices that allow you to enjoy life.

Knowing your financial wellbeing can help you take steps to improve it whether that’s managing your money, saving for something you want or for an emergency, reducing your debt and choosing smart options to do so.

Ways to improve your financial wellbeing.

Woman in her 60s with prosthetic leg on sofa using laptop, relaxation, lifestyles, retirement

Looking for more tips?

Read our blog to discover practical tips, ideas and other resources to help put you on the money.

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Help and support for financial abuse.

Financial abuse is a form of domestic violence. It can occur when someone uses money to gain power over their partner, as a form of family violence, or abuse of a dependent relationship.